What does my Heart Desire in 2014?
Can I look at my life from a place of Inquiry?
Can I choose to see beauty in the chaos?
Does Grace come in when all else fails?
My faith in"everything happens for a reason "usually kicks in, and then some Ah Ha moments come to view. Oh, that is why things got delayed! Not because the universe is against me, but because the Divine Plan (or my angels) needed time to bring things about through a series of mini miracles that I don't even know about. And in all of the chaos my inner critic wants me to feel those old false beliefs that I am somehow "Not Enough."
What does my Heart know?
So just for today, even though some of the goals are delayed, and new ones are yet to be visited, I will be OK without all the answers. I am going into my inner place of Knowing "All is Well" no matter what. And listen for the next steps. Nature teaches me. The birds are still feeding as the temperatures fall and rise -20 one day to 40 the next. The light is slowly getting longer each day. And I know that I am in the season of gathering my deep seeds of the Heart to create a life of beauty and joy. I can learn to flow through the chaos with my Muse of Creativity in all things before me, great and small. My spirit opens the door to the cosmic inquiry and I can ask and receive more.
What is my Wise Muse saying today?

The gifts of a day in January from Mother Nature.
Blessings for your day!
I am celebrating my published poems for 2014
Link for Sibella Poetry Magazine
with my first poem on page 6
"Dawn of Wholeness"