Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Snowbound A Maine Author is Born

Blog for Feb-March 2019

Feb has brought so many snow storms I have lost count. I don't remember a winter in the last 10 years here in Embden with this much! Staying by the woodstove is a ritual in itself, as I do my computer chores to keep up with my first book launch. I am so deeply satisfied with the facts that I actually did launch it on the day that my coach, Lise and I chose.

Feb. 19 was a Tuesday and also the full moon in Virgo. My sun sign! Things do line up even when we don't know about them ahead of time. Fun little prompts from my angels I say. Bringing me these synchronicities, is one of the blessings along the way that I have enjoyed since starting my path of holistic learning. Or you could call it is "living between the worlds" as my mentor, Shiloh Sophia would say. Sometimes we need to let go and trust how things are unfolding and not force them before the seeds are ready to sprout. I am happy that I have had the speed bumps along the way because now the rewards are so much sweeter. I am learning that I can accomplish more than I believed I could.

Even though my book has not hit best seller, it is running well in it's categories of mental and spiritual healing and women's spirituality. This is all such a learning experience.

I am so happy that friends and family are reading and sharing it, and to know it has made a difference in lives already. If I have neglected to thank any of you personally for helping me to spread the word, please know that I am in deep gratitude for your help!

What will I do next? The goal is to share the practices even more in my community and in workshops. As creative practice, journaling and art are a simple, beautiful offering to help relieve our old stories of pain and suffering.

I have to extend my heart full of thanks to the self-publishing school group, for they have guided my steps and answered my questions along the way. The course is amazing in its content and support for any author new or experienced. If any of your are considering writing your own book, please use me as a reference when you talk to an SPS advisor for you will be offered a discount to the course. It is an investment that is really worth your commitment. I can now say I am not afraid to begin another book knowing that all the steps are always in place to guide me again when I am ready! Such a good feeling.

Yes, it is a huge commitment of time and money, but my book is in the world and my mission is partly accomplished.

Now to the programs and more art that I want to share connected with the book. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or help with your practices. I am available to do library or community group lectures and signings. And of course Art journal classes and Intentional Creativity painting workshops.

Snowbound but happy by the Heart fire!


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Self-care on a Winter's Day

     Releasing Any expectation ~ Move into this Day

This is a good morning for Self-care.
Being kind to the body, mind and spirit.
My attention to feeling what soreness
                       needs attending, I shower with gratefulness.                    
                                                Hot water, holy water, streaming over me.

Then with awareness of being present
I anoint my wrists, my jaw, my belly,
 and feet with lemon, mint, and lavender oil
                                                           Letting them sink into my skin,
 I accept their healing balm.

Holy music playing, I dress for exercise
knowing I will be the only one there
on this snowy day. A day to wonder at the
whiteness covering every branch and rock.
I had just about decided that winter was too
much for me, and then this
Silence and beauty falling like angel feathers
calling me to feel the sacredness of this sight.

Home again I shovel the deck with care,
and then look back to the maple tree
covered with her new gown of fresh snow.
My chickadees are calling at the feeder now.
Taking the feeder inside, I smell the cinnamon
 granola cooling on the stove.
 My morning treat with yogurt, nuts, and applesauce
 creates a Sunday kind of offering to my Muse.

 She is content to feel and smell and taste and linger
 before starting the day here at the blog space.
 A long awaited return. Ahh.
It feels refreshing and does help to stay in the moment
before the new days list is resumed.

At the computer now, I check in with my breath,
Breathing down into the belly, grounding here and now.
Pause. Be in more gratitude. Ask for guidance before any
challenges pop in for a visit.
I am Now intending to be right here. The day is fresh
 like the falling snow.
And all is well. More Blessings are invited in.

thank you to The Divine, the Angels, and my open Heart.