Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Snowbound A Maine Author is Born

Blog for Feb-March 2019

Feb has brought so many snow storms I have lost count. I don't remember a winter in the last 10 years here in Embden with this much! Staying by the woodstove is a ritual in itself, as I do my computer chores to keep up with my first book launch. I am so deeply satisfied with the facts that I actually did launch it on the day that my coach, Lise and I chose.

Feb. 19 was a Tuesday and also the full moon in Virgo. My sun sign! Things do line up even when we don't know about them ahead of time. Fun little prompts from my angels I say. Bringing me these synchronicities, is one of the blessings along the way that I have enjoyed since starting my path of holistic learning. Or you could call it is "living between the worlds" as my mentor, Shiloh Sophia would say. Sometimes we need to let go and trust how things are unfolding and not force them before the seeds are ready to sprout. I am happy that I have had the speed bumps along the way because now the rewards are so much sweeter. I am learning that I can accomplish more than I believed I could.

Even though my book has not hit best seller, it is running well in it's categories of mental and spiritual healing and women's spirituality. This is all such a learning experience.

I am so happy that friends and family are reading and sharing it, and to know it has made a difference in lives already. If I have neglected to thank any of you personally for helping me to spread the word, please know that I am in deep gratitude for your help!

What will I do next? The goal is to share the practices even more in my community and in workshops. As creative practice, journaling and art are a simple, beautiful offering to help relieve our old stories of pain and suffering.

I have to extend my heart full of thanks to the self-publishing school group, for they have guided my steps and answered my questions along the way. The course is amazing in its content and support for any author new or experienced. If any of your are considering writing your own book, please use me as a reference when you talk to an SPS advisor for you will be offered a discount to the course. It is an investment that is really worth your commitment. I can now say I am not afraid to begin another book knowing that all the steps are always in place to guide me again when I am ready! Such a good feeling.

Yes, it is a huge commitment of time and money, but my book is in the world and my mission is partly accomplished.

Now to the programs and more art that I want to share connected with the book. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or help with your practices. I am available to do library or community group lectures and signings. And of course Art journal classes and Intentional Creativity painting workshops.

Snowbound but happy by the Heart fire!


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Self-care on a Winter's Day

     Releasing Any expectation ~ Move into this Day

This is a good morning for Self-care.
Being kind to the body, mind and spirit.
My attention to feeling what soreness
                       needs attending, I shower with gratefulness.                    
                                                Hot water, holy water, streaming over me.

Then with awareness of being present
I anoint my wrists, my jaw, my belly,
 and feet with lemon, mint, and lavender oil
                                                           Letting them sink into my skin,
 I accept their healing balm.

Holy music playing, I dress for exercise
knowing I will be the only one there
on this snowy day. A day to wonder at the
whiteness covering every branch and rock.
I had just about decided that winter was too
much for me, and then this
Silence and beauty falling like angel feathers
calling me to feel the sacredness of this sight.

Home again I shovel the deck with care,
and then look back to the maple tree
covered with her new gown of fresh snow.
My chickadees are calling at the feeder now.
Taking the feeder inside, I smell the cinnamon
 granola cooling on the stove.
 My morning treat with yogurt, nuts, and applesauce
 creates a Sunday kind of offering to my Muse.

 She is content to feel and smell and taste and linger
 before starting the day here at the blog space.
 A long awaited return. Ahh.
It feels refreshing and does help to stay in the moment
before the new days list is resumed.

At the computer now, I check in with my breath,
Breathing down into the belly, grounding here and now.
Pause. Be in more gratitude. Ask for guidance before any
challenges pop in for a visit.
I am Now intending to be right here. The day is fresh
 like the falling snow.
And all is well. More Blessings are invited in.

thank you to The Divine, the Angels, and my open Heart.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Trust the Seeding to Reveal the Miracles

Awaken to Spring in the sweet energy of change and Love

Listening to "Remember the Light" music by Kevin Kern. Angel chills running through my heart as I write these words. Here with intention to honor this day, Good Friday, with my awareness and love. After meditation with Meg Benedicte I stretch to Yoga poses and I light 3 candles in the salt stone. Sending light and healing to those who are in need at this moment. I am listening to soul music and watching the sunshine streaming in with rainbows on the wall. Holding sacred space of allowing release and peace. As I look out the window, I see the first sighting of many purple and yellow finch. nuthatcher, chicadees and grey titmouse returning to the feeder. All of them gathered together makes my heart sing. This is a day to gather our seeds of hope, wisdom, and trust in the divine, in the goodness of life .

Cindy Taylor Clark copyright 2017

Angel message

Forgive the sadness, chaos, and unjustice you see in the world. You are here to fully step into your own sweet awareness of the Love that you are. No one can keep you from that knowing except yourself. Find solace in awakening to Spring within you. Place your hand on your heart and breathe forgiveness, love, and hope into your whole Being.
You are no less than the beauty of nature that you see around you. You are here to acknowledge this beauty within yourself, and by practicing Self Love you will not only heal your misconceptions, but your acts of love will ripple out and touch the earth and everything and everyone. Choose to bring loving to your every moment in a state of gratitude and wonder. Accept all feelings as the gateways of your journey. Look, listen, touch, taste, and smell with intention and inquiry. Let your intuition blossom and grow into strength and purpose. This will serve you well. Spring forward into the precious sunlight of your own Heart Song. Love is truly all that is. Blessed Be.  
You are never alone, We are always with you.
Call on us when you need support in any way.
Your Angels of the Divine Alignment Team

Cindy Taylor Clark
Threads of Light
Angelspeak Messages                                              

Friday, February 3, 2017

Sweet Birch Musings ~ between the paint and the canvas

2017 copyright Cindy Taylor Clark

Smooth and soft,
Dark eyes and flowing marks,
Sturdy branches, singing leaves,
Paper thin, revealing fibers,
Stretching tall, swaying wind,
Tell me sister birch your message here. (angel message from my Sweet Birch)

I offer you this day, my essence of deep earth and open sky.
My slender branches that sway and bend,
with leaves of green and yellow hue
that sing a song so sweet and true.
All life is flowing inside roots from deep below.
 I hold that place of peace that calls to you.
 Come to nurture your heart by me,
 and feel the love we join in Being silent here
Ask me now your healing concern,
and I will hold your heart with mine.
Take this time to feel this joy of letting go,
and dance by me into overflow.
 Practice peace just for a time each day
 in gratitude for all we share.
The earth and sun, the sky and stars
 are mirrors of who you really are.
Look up, feel down, and breathe
the life inside your healing arms.
Send light and love in all you do,
for nature is the beauty that shines in you.
Blessed are the days that Be,
come and play and sway with me.
Watch my shadows come and go,
feel my strength and keep my song
in tune with yours.
I am your faithful friend and more.
Feel our essence soar.
Thank you for opening to my place of
standing tall, moving gently, and blessing all.

Painting my birch energy on a 12 x 12 canvas
Threads of Light
Cindy Taylor Clark

Friday, February 19, 2016

Wild Writing on Freedom Friday

Wild Writing on Freedom Friday 
Feb. 19, 2016

In gratitude of the "Light" today. Temps from 14 degrees to 19 at 9:30. Many winged ones gather at the feeder. Yellow finch, purple martins, chickadees, nut hatchers, and wrens. Sweet Lilly sits in attention by the kitchen window. Music of light and joy streams on my cable channel. Still sitting in my red fluffy bathrobe at 9:30. It must be "Freedom Friday". In Red Thread Cafe' as my teacher,
 Shiloh Sophia calls it, we take the time to pause and reflect on the moment we are in. Free writing without much editing to allow that which wants to surface to begin to inform us. To allow "The Flow" to bring our awareness to what we want to create.  This activity is very grounding and healing. And this is the morning that I can attend to my own Musings.
In celebration of more light, I share this offering of inspiration. Aho.

 The Rainbows dance on my walls.
Pencils and crayons, and card decks,
 Revealing angel messages,
 Inspirations from the Muse.
 Sweet chants to the Holy Space of One.
Oneness of breath, sight, and sound.
The touch of my pen flowing over blue lines,
In my wild woman journal of time
Amazing Grace of blue ink instead
of text message and email.
A time apart to let life flow and dance.
With every cell in awareness of the beauty we hold,
This "no time" that I Am choosing
 Right here and right now.
So healing, so needed, such a blessing to me,
As emotions well up from the deep place within.
Holding space for all loved ones
With Creation all around.
Just one Breath in conscious gratitude
Bringing chills of blessed joy.
I intend to "let go" and just allow.
Dearest angels of the Heart
Direct my steps on this day.
As I gaze at the rose buds
moving into their next stage.
They prepare to return
To the earth from where they came.
 Dry, ruffled, and spiraled, unwinding
The rhythm, each a portal of mystery,
From beginning to ending.
Giving a peaceful reflection
They ask of me to ponder, to understand.
Such a wonder of the Divine
In all aspects of nature's design,
I contemplate the loveliness here
Blossoming essence, and then
The dropping away.
What can I dream anew?
To begin again.
Connected to the winged ones, the sky,
The Earth, the woven threads,
The kitten and my own true Heart.

I Am whole, guided and loved this day.  Blessed Be.

for upcoming workshops and bookings

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Blog ~  Dec. 18, 2016           Cindy Taylor Clark
Every day is a New Canvas of Life ~

Today in our Red Thread CafĂ©, Shiloh shared about remembering her Mother’s part in developing her heart as an artist when she was a small child. And in her dream she saw how her mother drew images of woman in fashion illustrations and then gave Shiloh a copy to color. She shared that this piece of her legacy was never placed as an important aspect in the story she has been telling today. She credited Caron with teaching her about the importance of writing, but had forgotten the early year’s importance of those childhood days of coloring her mother’s drawings.
As I read her journal entry tears welled up within me.  My tears of joy were in remembering how I connected with my twin daughters when they were 3 ½ by giving them their very own small table, paper and crayons, and watching the wonders that came through them. Their journeys were magical to observe as they created worlds out of paper, clay, cloth, paint and pen.
After that sweet moment in time, my heart jumped to my own mother’s creative acts. Her hidden sketch book from the 1940’s that I rescued from the attic when I was in high school. She had wanted to become a fashion designer but there was no extra money in her family of 8 brothers and sisters for her to pursue her dream, and then the war came and she enlisted and worked in Washington D. C. When I was in first grade, I remember her taking a drawing and pastel painting class. But her depression overwhelmed her, and she was prescribed drugs that prevented her from becoming and believing in her talent. She did put her creativity into lovely flower gardens in the yard, and decorating the house when she felt well enough. She also had that creative talent of sewing her own clothes.  When I think of all that now, it is truly amazing that she did all that in the shadow of depression and drugs. Thank you Shiloh for bring this part of my story to light.
How did that affect my story? In so many ways, she encouraged me and let me be in quiet playtime where I created with paper, cloth, paint and pen. I remember sketching outside in my yard with my own sketchbook and pen and ink. I also remember the feeling of just lying or sitting in the grass connecting to the earth. I loved feeling the pulse of the breeze through the trees and the warm sun on the grass. I felt a deep trust in being myself there. It was not easy to show up in the world I would have to walk through.
 My creativity was my anchor in all the confusion. My choices were always to be connected with art and nature. And so I too give thanks to my mother for her gifts that encouraged me. Even the hard ones.”
As parents we honor this creativity through our children as just a small part of the growing cycle, like tying shoes and learning to walk. Our “refrigerator art” gets glowing review from Mom and Dad and then it fades away, gets torn or dirty, and the next one gets its kitchen review again. What happens to the child who has the talent and desire to
do more, when the importance is shifted to the left brain only? Is there anything to help bring back that sense of discovery within the child of creativity?  We can hold on to it as we become adults. Many of us do. Many more say, “I could never paint or draw” and even speak that too common phrase, “Why I can’t even draw a straight line.” Of course that is not a requirement to do art. The ruler was invented for that purpose!
Where do we get this old story that we carry around, that we are just not meant to be creative? Yes we have heard it so many times as our families respond to our knitting, quilting, cooking, writing or painting. “Oh, that doesn’t run in my side of the family.”
Are we just denying our true creative self?  Maybe you are the one who does all the organizing and keeping things straight. That is also a creative task. Every aspect of our lives is a task of creative movement. Even when we sit and meditate, we are creating.
What in our lives was not created by someone’s imagined idea, from telephones to cell phones.
Then why do we dismiss the quality and beauty and importance that creativity plays in our lives? On what level do we live in the presence of acknowledging our very own creativity?  Each day you have a new canvas of life. You chose how you are creating that day by your choices and awareness. Question what you want to create by observing your thoughts and feelings. It is OK to honor what does not feel good by really feeling it, and then questioning it. What am I creating with this thought? A good exercise is to write it out or say it out loud. Then reframe it, if you want to change it. Ask your creative muse to help you. Sometimes all we need is to sit and make a mark or color a page while we listen to our inner wisdom. It wants to whisper, “You have all the creativity you will ever need right now. Explore it! Honor it! Feed it!”  Expect that little child to flourish when you allow her (him) to take a space and time to just “Become who you already are” in a way that awakens your heart and soul!
 “Every Bone in your body is a creative bone” Shiloh Sophia

The journey continues with the red thread connections!

My next event is Jan 16th 

  Painting the Muse of Winter ~
 Dreaming the New Seeds

Monday, November 2, 2015

Full Moon October Roses

Full Moon October Roses ~ A Healing Release                         October 30th, 2015

Yesterday my Angels showed me a dozen lemon colored roses at WalMart in the produce aisle. I knew it was time to do ritual, to honor and release the busyness in my life. After doing chores, and cooking blueberry muffins for my retired client, I headed home. It was nice to feel a balmy 68 degree October day. It reminded me of being in Texas or Florida. But for Maine, it is just a pause, a short break from the cold hard frosts and cooler days we are now experiencing.
Even when I am not feeling at my best, my guidance leads me to the right outcome. After dinner, I chose to listen to a healing lecture with John Newton. Remembering to grab my art journal and markers, I began listening by tuning in and doodling a "Freedom Page" . That is, just surrendering to the moment of letting the marker glide without needing to create a specific image. Circular movements created a matrix of interlocking shapes. I then added hearts and circles within those. Being in the "No time~ No place" moment of surrender, as I listened. I intuitively picked up pink, green, and blue, and colored in the patterns that showed up. I also added some of the healing words he spoke about getting to the root of healing.
Though I do find time to exercise, do yoga, and eat healthy between all the demands of daily living, my body is feeling tired and sore. What some call Sciatica, stiffness and nerve pain in the lower back and legs has been my challenge lately. It takes me one hours each morning to soften the pain with stretches and breathing to move on with my day. I also find that meditation also helps to relieve it.
As I continue to listen to John using his release method on the group call, I intend to receive what healing can manifest. Relaxed and feeling lighter, I head for bed. I lay down and place my hands on my hips to activate Reiki healing and call in my Angel team to work on me in the sleep state.
Angels are always ready to assist us in this way, but we must ask them before they are allowed to respond. This is a universal law.

Wild Freedom Friday~
I awake the next morning without the alarm, sleeping in until 7 am.  As I walk into the living room, I am greeted by a blazing red and pink sunrise. I grab my camera and shoot! A gift from the Divine! A sign of YES, you are nurturing yourself today! I see my yellow moon roses reflecting that inner compassion and love right here, right now.  I Am giving and receiving just by being in the moment of gratitude. I insert my Garden CD, light a candle surrounded by chakra stones, and I call in Our Lady's Love to surround me and my family with healing support.
My intention is to "Return to Love" in this moment and I feel the sweet release in my body. I look around and see all that needs to be done, but hear my angels say, "that can wait till tomorrow." So today I choose to feel the deep healing within. I set the yoga mat out between shoes, cat toys, and books. Sweet Lilly cat joins me as I stretch and breathe. She stretches and purrs too, waiting for my touch. Her softness and gentle spirit soothes me and we become spirit buddies" Being" in tune as the morning light streams in.

Yellow Roses, white Light,
Red and pink and purple sky,
Green living leaves of plants beside,
Purple violets in clay pots bloom,
With Altar stones and Fairy cards
Set on cotton cloth and wood
Honor East, Sunrise and Heart fire.
Warm Sun streams, hot Tea flowing in
I embrace these healing gifts
Blessed Morning, I chose to BE.

As I move my body into surrender, child pose, feelings of my ancestors come flooding in. Grandmothers and grandfathers remembered. I do not know all of them, but feel the strong pull of the Red Thread that connects us all. The tears come, I honor the feelings of the paths they walked. I know their lives were lived to pass on the lessons we are here to receive. In the pain and the healing, we are all one in the Journey of Love. No matter what. I choose to Let Go and be here now. I am connected to the Divine Love that accepts and blesses all experience.
I feel the compassion for myself and all beings who have walked the earth. I realize that my grandfather led me to the yellow roses. He promised to protect and guide my daughter's journeys from above. I am in gratitude to my angels and ancestors for guiding me into full moon ritual this day.
I am guided to skip the shower, grab my cup of tea and journal, and be in Cafe' as Shiloh says, to sit and allow time for me to just heal in the present moment with pen in hand.
As I write, Sweet Lilly climbs into the linen cupboard beside me for a nap. The yellow roses begin to slowly open their petals in perfect Love and Grace. I drink in the soft mellow yellow and delicate curly edges. Outside the sun breaks through the clouds while the golden yellow leaves that still cling to the branches dance in the fall breeze.
I miss the days when I could stay home every day creating, sewing, drawing and playing with children. Sweet times. Now I help seniors, my Dad (92) included, navigate their lives a few hours a week. Finding time for myself to write and paint through Intentional Creativity is my challenge and my love. I look forward to the fall and winter months to go within deeper into the desires of my heart. I am moving and expressing with the Divine. There is more to learn, to dream and to share.
I place my hand on my Heart and receive this day in beauty and grace.
And as the song "Open my Heart" begins the tears of release come again.
I send you each loving compassion for your self and your loved ones. Blessed Be.

"Loaura Moon"
Cindy Taylor Clark

I invite you to come and create with me one on one, or in a group setting for your own personal healing journey.       John